Blossom in Balance
Three catered programmes for purpose-driven ladies embracing late motherhood.
Finding it tough to wear the multifaceted hat of a high-achieving woman and a new mother? Step into a space of serenity, balance, and fulfilment that propels you through the beautiful complexities of late motherhood with ease and confidence.
The journey is suitable if you are:
Fresh mothers in their 40s, juggling motherhood, a career and/or vocation.
Aspiring to find a serene and confident balance between professional and motherhood roles.
On a pursuit of personal, professional, and motherhood responsibilities integration.
This path might not resonate if you are:
Not a new mother in her 40s.
Not looking to harmonize career/vocation and motherhood.
Not interested in nurturing a supportive community and a profound sense of achievement in both professional and motherhood roles.
Quickly reduce stress and improve sleep through simple, daily calming techniques.
Establish sustainable routines that promote relaxation and mental calm in just 4 weeks.
This programme is designed for first-time moms over 40 who need fast and effective stress relief. Over four weeks, you'll learn practical techniques to calm your mind, reduce anxiety, and fit self-care into your busy schedule.
Master time management and create a balanced schedule that accommodates work, family, and personal time.
Increase productivity and reduce time-wasting habits in just 21 days
This programme is designed for busy mothers over 40 who struggle with managing time effectively. In just 3 weeks, you'll learn how to prioritise tasks, eliminate distractions, and create a balanced daily routine that supports both your career and family.
Let go of guilt, perfectionism, and self-doubt to feel lighter and more empowered.
Reset your mindset and embrace confidence with quick, focused coaching over 5 days.
This mini-programme is designed for moms over 40 who want a fast mental and emotional reset. In just 5 days, you'll learn how to release emotional burdens, reframe your thinking, and feel more confident as both a mother and a woman.
Discover joy in the small moments of motherhood and shift to a more positive mindset.
Practice mindfulness and gratitude to improve your overall mood and outlook in just 2 weeks.
This programme is designed for mothers over 40 who want to reconnect with happiness amidst the demands of daily life. In just 14 days, you'll practice techniques that help you find joy in the little things and cultivate a more positive, fulfilled perspective on motherhood.
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